Fleas, heartworms and ticks… oh MAY!

Unseasonably warm temperatures in January, February, March and April this year brought us more unwanted creepy crawlies this spring! It’s the reality for many parts of the province these days and Toronto is no exception.

While it’s hard to figure out exactly what Mother Nature’s thinking, it’s even harder to guess when the mosquito and tick population — and with it, an increase in heartworm and lyme disease — will make its presence known this year.

What’s truly frightening about mosquito and tick-borne diseases? They can be silent for months or years, resulting in debilitating or deadly disease.

Unlike mosquitoes which like seasonally warm temperatures above 20oC, tick activity is temperature-driven, not seasonal. Any day where the temperature is 4oC or higher, ticks come out of hiding in search of a meal. This year already, ticks were out for more than 50% of each month so far this year! So, in the dead of winter, ticks aren’t playing dead any more.

In our part of Ontario, people and their pets need protection from March through November at a minimum. But given the consistent warm spells we’re seeing during our winter months, it’s time to consider year-round protection.

We have already have some positive dogs this year and want to make sure everyone gets their dog tested started on a preventative product as soon as possible.

Heartworm and lyme disease treatment for dogs that test positive is not only expensive, but it can also be harmful and dangerous to the dog. This is why PREVENTION IS KEY. There are many heartworm, flea and tick prevention products available at Yonge-Davenport Pet Hospital, and they are all very effective at preventing numerous diseases and parasites including heartworm, ticks, fleas, and lyme disease with an easy once a month topical or oral application.

It is important to have your pets tested YEARLY even if they were on prevention the previous year and don’t forget – HEARTWORM PREVENTION STARTS JUNE 1st! TICK PREVENTION CAN BE YEAR-ROUND!


416 – 962 – 2883





Downtown Animal Hospital
Yonge Street Pet Hospital
Yonge Street Pet Hospital